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Teaching Grammar by Joner Simarmata

Grammar is rules that deals with accuracy, meaningfulness, and appropriateness. Three dimension of grammar: Form : how ist it form; accuracy Meaning : what does it mean ; meaningfulness use : when/why is it used : appropriateness Grammar works on three levels: Subsential or morphological level sentential or syntactic level Suprasentential or discourse level Pedagogical Grammar : accuracy meaningfulness appropriateness Linguistic grammar :  accuracy Example: President Jokowi called vice president JK yesterday  ----------- accuracy President Abdurrahman Wahid called president Jokowi yesterday ------not meaningful A student to teacher Sudaryono : , Hi, Yono, How are you doing? ----not appropriate Approaches to teaching grammar: Deductive Approach : starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rules is applied. ex. teaching 'question formation'. Step 1 : teacher writes on the board the sentence: the pres...


If one the lesson is interesting, the students will be motivated to study.The teacher is the agent of change. The priority is the students,not the curriculum. Speaking is the first priority of learning language. If the students speak, they will learn other lesson by themselves. Characteristics of a successful speaking activity: learners talk a lot participation even (partisipasi merata) motivation is high language is of an acceptable level (tidak boleh langsung kepelajaran yg rumit, bahasanya yg mudah,  harus tau kemampuan siswa kita) Problems with speaking activities: Inhibition.(bawa kegiatan diluar kelas kedalam kelas,jangan pura-pura) Nothing to say. (guru mengarahkan siswa, apa mau mereka dan minat mereka) low or uneven participation. (bagaimana cara guru agar siswa yang tidak mau tampil, mau tampil) Mother tongue use.  What teachers can do to help to solve some of the problems: Use group work Base the activity on easy language (pakai bahasa yang...

Writing Skill

Writing Skill Handwriting : forming and joining letters Mastering spelling Linking sentences Being aware of different demands of written English Organizing information logically and clearly using discourse markers appropriately using variation to develop a theme clearly selecting vocabulary "Read like a detective, write like a reporter" (baca dengan teliti, menulis dengan rinci")

Teaching Skill

Teaching Speaking 2 by Syahrial "kalau guru hanya melihat pada patokan kurikulum, maka kita hanya akan menjadi guru tradisional. Kurikulum hanya pedoman, atau harapan-harapan yg harus dicapai didalam kelas, dan tidak akan tercapai jika guru tidak berpatokan pada siswa." Ilmu yg harus dikuasai guru adalah ilmu kesiswaan. Dalam merancang kegiatan pembelajaran, guru harus mengetahui : Cognitive: wants to know, Social-emotional: puberity, sensitive, like to be praised, imitate, make a group, like to play, noisy Physical : age: 13 years old Language development: menggunakan bahasa preman

The Strategy of Teaching Reading

The Strategy of Teaching Reading                                                                                                                   by: Mrs. Radiatan Mardiah The best Paraphrasing in Teaching reading class by: Ex. Wrong reading text given by Mrs. Radiatan Mardiah Once upon a time ago there was an old lady who lived in the forest of Jambi. She planted and had a lot of unusual watermelon people found useful things needed. A poor farmer get gold bracelet. A diligent boy get great toys, and so on. A rich businessman heard about the watermelon. He asked for it. The lady gave him a very big one. However, he got nothing inside. It was a red ripe sweety watermelon. He realized that he ne...


The real purpose of teaching language learning is the students can use the language, whether they speak, read, or write. We say someone is good in English when he or she can speak English. What do you think the students think when they look LKS, or if you (teacher) use one book, or you (teacher) speak English just twice a week? They are not interested at all.Can you imagine your students will learn English? no, not at all, because they only speak English just twice a week, the teacher uses the dull book. So, what must the teacher do? Be the modern English teacher, don't be the traditional English teacher. It will need effort, and work hard. You(teacher) need constant thinking to change, so you(teacher) will success. Everyone must have motivation to study. When you teach, you must know: 1. Learners' development in social contexts 2. cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and language development 3. learners' interest 4. learners' motivation Curriculum is divided: ...

The Legend of Calon Arang

This was one of my student's assignment when I taught writing skill. I asked my students to rewrite "the legend of Calon Arang" into storytelling. Enjoy yourself! THE LEGEND OF CALON ARANG Long time ago in Girah Village there lived an old woman. Her name was Calonarang. She had magical power. Calonarang had a daughter. Her name was Ratna Mangali. She was very beautiful. Yet, nobody wanted to marry her because they were afraid of her mother. People began to talk about Ratna Mangali. The People             : Hy,Ratna do you know why you have not a husband ? Ratna                     : No,why ? The People             : Because,your mother is black angel..                     ...


FUNCTIONAL TEXT Functional text is used for everyday information.  It helps you function in your day-to-day life.  It’s text that explains or gives information. For example: If I want to make "Rendang" or beef steak, I will use a recipe . If I need to put a new electric fan together, I will use the instruction manual . If I want to know what I will study tomorrow in class, I will read the schedule There are many types of functional text, such as 1) menus, 2) Recipes, 3) direction on a test, 3) pamphlet, 4) advertisement, 5) announcement, 6) notice, 7) Schedule, 8) How- to- manual, 9) invitation, 10) message, 11) Memo,  etc. Different types of functional text have different forms, and all functional text has a purpose.  For example: Announcement (in Meriam, announcement is  a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that announce something) Therefore, the purpose of announ...