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The Strategy of Teaching Reading

The Strategy of Teaching Reading 
                                                                                                                 by: Mrs. Radiatan Mardiah

The best Paraphrasing in Teaching reading class by:
Ex. Wrong reading text given by Mrs. Radiatan Mardiah
Once upon a time ago there was an old lady who lived in the forest of Jambi. She planted and had a lot of unusual watermelon people found useful things needed. A poor farmer get gold bracelet. A diligent boy get great toys, and so on. A rich businessman heard about the watermelon. He asked for it. The lady gave him a very big one. However, he got nothing inside. It was a red ripe sweety watermelon. He realized that he needed to give his goods to others.
The correct text paraphrasing (it's coherance writing) by Rany
Once upon a time, there was an old lady who lived in the forest of Jambi. She planted a lot of unusual watermelon in her garden. She like to give those unusual fruit to people around her. Amazingly, people found useful things needed inside the watermelon. For example, a poor farmer got gold bracelet. Then, a diligent boy got great toys, and so on.
Moreover, a rich greedy businessman also heard about the watermelon. He asked for it to the old lady. The lady gave him a very big one. Unfortunately, he got nothing inside. It was a red ripe sweet watermelon. The rich greedy businessman felt disappointed and very angry since he just got an unusual watermelon. Finally, he realized that he needed to give his goods to others.

How to teach Reading? It depends on the objective, the art of the teacher, and also it depends on the students' need. We (teachers) are the helpers for our students. 
Basic components to help students' learn to read in a class:
  1. Substantial amount of extensive reading for pleasure: The reading material must be interesting, funny, familiar with the teenagers. The teacher has to read aloud and become the model.
  2. Focused, interactive lessons on specific reading skills, with opportunities for students to explain their thinking, and direct instruction on applying the skills strategically to a variety of texts: Focused means that in one goal we(teacher) have one purpose, and interactive means share the idea with others. Opportunities to explore means: to let every students share the idea fin the classroom, or have the same chance to share the idea. Direct instruction means the teacher make the students chance to read the similar text first, or variety of text. (Top down : Read the first paragraph and the next paragraph the teacher can guess  it. Bottom up: from the details, the teacher can get the main story.)
  3. Training and practice in fluency development (skimming, scanning, previewing) and reading rate improvement :The frequency of students' reading should be increased, by giving them some text, and read together, not alone. Reading rate means Speed reading, competency, and development.
  4. Vocabulary activities that include direct instruction in high -frequency words (high frequency words: the most words in the text), multiple opportunities for exposure to and manipulation of the target words, and plenty of extensive reading (pleasure reading: we (teacher) instruct the students to find the text and put it in the wall, so all students can read it)
The general in reading skill:
1. Automatic decoding : ex. a) U    stand
                                                    b) Tq
                                                    c) r u ok
2. Previewing and predicting : (Previewing  in Introduction of paragraph, predicting: guess what will     talk in the text)
3. Specifying purpose
4. Identifying genre
5. Questioning
6. Scanning (find the specific)
7. Recognizing topics
8. Distinguishing general and specific ideas
9. Identifying the general statement in paragraph
10. Stating the main idea
11. Recognizing patterns of relationship(kalau menulis tidak ada polanya, siswa sulit mengerti, setiap        ide harus berurutan)
12. Identifying and using words that signal the patterns of relationship between ideas. ex. however,           and then, finally.
13. Inferring the main idea using clues (petunjuk) ,  context clues "ex. scintillated" , "scintillated               water", when " scintillated water in the lake under the morning sun was very beautiful.
14. Recognizing lexical (after that, and then, although, whenever) elements as clues  to cohesion
15. Guessing the meaning of unknown words
16. Skimming
17. Paraphrasing
18. Summarizing (merangkum)
19. Drawing conclusion (kesimpulan, short statement, the sum up of each paragraph)
20. Drawing inferences and using evidence (fact)
21. Visualizing (menggambarkan, baik dg gambar ataupun dg meniru sesuatu)
22. Reading critically
23. Reading faster (when the students read, the teacher count the second,or the minute, or the hour, or       the day, or the month, or the year)
24. Adjusting reading rate according to materials and purpose.

How about if our students have a difficulty in a text?
  1. More background information 
  2. Pre-teach key words (ajarkan dulu kata kunci yg menentukan dalam text tesebut)
  3. Divide text into short chunks (kalo teksnya panjang, dibagi atas dua bagian, dikasih conjunction)
  4. Sign-post questions for main points (menanyakan lebih dalam lagi)
  5. add discourse markers (penanda, ex. she (mengacu siapa/reference words), the,) where helpful
  6. Ask easy questions (use simple words so the students can catch)
  7. Paraphrase difficult ideas (ide sulit dibuat jadi mudah)
  8. set easy task 
  9. Praise and encouragement (ex. good, excellent, ok, you do better)

example of nonsense (tak bermakna) exercise :
The grifty snoolls choppered rancingly along the unchoofed trake. They were klary, so they higgled on, separetely. 'Ah, chiwar kervay,' they squopped rehoply, 'Mipsar quaj!'Quaj!' snilled one, and tilted even jucklier.
  1. Where did the snolls clopper?
  2. What was the trake like?
  3. Why did they higgle on?
  4. Why did they clopper rancingly?
  5. Why did they higgle separately?
  6. Did the snolls travel quietly or noisily? How do you know?
(We donot understand the text above, but not all of the words that we must know the meaning and understand them, we are able to answer some, but we are not able to answer others because there is a clue/key word, we have to understand the structure, grammar, adverb, and so on.)



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