Functional text is used for everyday information. It helps you function in your day-to-day life. It’s text that explains or gives information.
- If I want to make "Rendang" or beef steak, I will use a recipe.
- If I need to put a new electric fan together, I will use the instruction manual.
- If I want to know what I will study tomorrow in class, I will read the schedule
Different types of functional text have different forms, and all functional text has a purpose.
For example:
(in Meriam, announcement is a written or spoken statement that tells people about something : public or formal words that announce something)
Therefore, the purpose of announcement is to announce or to make other people known about something important that has happened or will be happen, whether it is written or spoken.
- Title. It is used to represent the content of the announcement that you write, but it may not use in spoken announcement.
- Explanation. It may include the type of activity, time of activity,place of activity, participant of the activity, sender, receiver, contact person, and so on.
Example of written announcement:
To all teachers and staff of SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh
A one- day meeting will be held this week.
Day/Date : Tuesday, October 1, 2015
Time : at 11 a.m to 1 p.m
Place : in IX A's classroom
Topic : Filling E-PUPNS form
Please come on time.
The headmaster
Example of spoken announcement :
Attention please!
To all students of SMPN 2 Sungai Penuh
Because the bell has rung, please come to your class.
Those who are still outside the class will be reduced his or her point.
Thank you.
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