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Teaching Grammar by Joner Simarmata

Grammar is rules that deals with accuracy, meaningfulness, and appropriateness.
Three dimension of grammar:

  1. Form : how ist it form; accuracy
  2. Meaning : what does it mean ; meaningfulness
  3. use : when/why is it used : appropriateness
Grammar works on three levels:
  1. Subsential or morphological level
  2. sentential or syntactic level
  3. Suprasentential or discourse level
Pedagogical Grammar :
  1. accuracy
  2. meaningfulness
  3. appropriateness
Linguistic grammar :  accuracy
President Jokowi called vice president JK yesterday  ----------- accuracy
President Abdurrahman Wahid called president Jokowi yesterday ------not meaningful
A student to teacher Sudaryono : , Hi, Yono, How are you doing? ----not appropriate

Approaches to teaching grammar:
  1. Deductive Approach : starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rules is applied. ex. teaching 'question formation'. Step 1 : teacher writes on the board the sentence: the president phoned the queen Step 2 : then, teachers erases the president and subtitutes someone. Someone phoned the queen. Then, teacher elicits the question: Who phoned the queen. Teacher writes the question and answer on the board. Teacher numbers the exchange 1: Someone phoned the queen. 1. Who phoned the queen? - the president. Step 3:
    T. Explains the difference:
           S                    V               O
    Someone    phoned    the queen.
    Who        phoned     the queen?
                                 S                           V                        O
    The president        phoned          someone
    The president       did phone      someone
     O                       V                     S                      V
                          Who                   did          the president     phone?
                    Step 4 
                    T places four pictures of famous people (or writes the names) and connects them with arrow, and explains that the arrow represent phone                      calls
                                 SBY                                       Megawati
                                                 Satya Novanto
                    T. Asks a variety of questions:
Who phoned Jokowi? Who did Megawati phone?  Who did SBY phone?
                    T. Asks the students to continue. Then, T invites Ss to make new phone call network by changing names. For fun, T completes the activity                              by asking : Why did SBY call Jokowi?

      2. Inductive Approach  : Starts with the examples from which a rule is referred.


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