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The Legend of Calon Arang

This was one of my student's assignment when I taught writing skill. I asked my students to rewrite "the legend of Calon Arang" into storytelling.
Enjoy yourself!

Long time ago in Girah Village there lived an old woman. Her name was Calonarang. She had magical power. Calonarang had a daughter. Her name was Ratna Mangali. She was very beautiful. Yet, nobody wanted to marry her because they were afraid of her mother. People began to talk about Ratna Mangali.
The People             : Hy,Ratna do you know why you have not a husband ?
Ratna                     : No,why ?
The People             : Because,your mother is black angel..
                                So poor you are Ratna ! Every one like you but they are afraid with your mother !
( Ratna feel sad when she hear that,than Calon Arang is coming )
Calon Arang          : Hy,shut up !
                                 Don’t ever contemptuous my daughter,,
The People             : that is a fact nyai !
Calon Arong          : Oke,I will curse this village !
The People             : Uh,it’s scared ! haha
Calon Arang          : let’s go home dear !
( Calon Arang ask Ratna to go home )

 One night Calon Arang and her students kidnapped a young girl, took her to a shrine and killed her as an offering to goddess Durga.They danced and danced the whole night, jumping around like devils.
Goddess Durga accepted their offering and asked them what they wanted. Calon Arang asked her to take a revenge to the villagers for contemptuous her daughter. The goddess fulfilled her wish. Several days later a flood came to the village which killed many villagers. They also suffered strange illness and died horribly. Nobody were spared. There were dead bodies every where in the village and even in neighboring villages.
So,when King Airlangga, the king of Kahuripan heard about that news he very angry and call two officers to his room.
( In Airlangga’s room )
Two Officer          : Excuse me sir,did you call us ?
Airlangga              : yes,please come in.
Two Officer          : What happened sir ?
Airlangga              : Did you hear about Calon Arang ?
Two Officer          : Of course sir,she had cursed our neighbor village.
Airlangga              : Yes,now I ask you to kill her !
Two Officer          : Oke sir,,
( When night they go to Calon Arang house )
When they arrived in Calon Arang house,where everybody were asleep,two officers sneaked into the window's residence. They hold Calon Arang’s hair and preparing to decapitate her head. But Calon Arang woke up.Than,fire came out from her eyes, ears and mouth, burning one of the officers. The other officers managed to run away and report this to King Airlangga.
                Calon Arang became angrier than ever.She and her students made a ritual to call goddess Durga any more. She asked for death to the people of Kahuripan kingdom. The Goddess fulfilled her wish. More strange death happened to the people of Kahuripan.

( In the palace of King Airlangga some society cry and ask helpest )
The Society            : King..King Airlangga,please help us !
Airlangga              : What happened ?
The Society            : Calon Arang was angry and broken our village sir !
Airlangga              : What,oh no ! I have to end this trouble.

King Airlangga called a Hindu priest Mpu Baradah and asked him to end this problem. So, Mpu Baradah ordered his student,Bahula.To go to Girah for marrying Ratna Mangali.
The marriage was a big one as Calon Arang was happy that someone finally wanted to marry her daughter. A feast was held for seven days and seven nights. And after that peace was restored again.
But Bahula had a mission from his teacher to find Calon Arang's book of witchcraft. Without the book, Calon Arang's power would be greatly reduced and she would be easily beaten.
( One night he talk with Ratna )

Bahula                   : Ratna,I want talk something with you dear.
Ratna                     : What is it ?
Bahula                   : I need your mother’s book tomorrow..
Ratna                     : Why you need that book ?
Bahula                   : I want to try a black magic.
Ratna                     : Oh,my mother can be happy to hear that.
                                Tomorrow  I will talk your plan dear,
Bahula                   : No,dear,You should not talk with your mother because I want to make a surprise for her!
Ratna                     : Oke,,

Next day Ratna found it and gived to Bahula.
Ratna                     : Dear,I had find that book.This special for you.
Bahula                   : hm,thank you honey,I love you.
                                But now I must study about this book with my teacher.
Ratna                     : No problem dear,I always pray to you.
                                So,he left Ratna to give the book to Mpu Baradah.

Knowing that her book was gone, calon arang was mad.
Calon Arang          : Ratna !!
                                 Do you see my book ?
Ratna                     : Hm,your book..a..a.
Calon Arang          : Whats app honey ?
                                    Please be honest,
Ratna                     : My husband Bahula borrow your book,he want to make your proud of him.
Calon Arang          : Oh,no ! where is he ?
Ratna                     : I don’t know mom,he just said if he will give that book to his teacher.
Calon Arang          : Damn,now I understand.Bahula is Mpu Baradah’s student.
                                 I have to find them and killed them.
Ratna                     : What mom ? No,I love my husband.
Calon Arang          : Dear,not like that.
                                I will find your husband for you,okey ?
Ratna                     : Are you serious mom ?
Calon Sarang        : Yes,dear.

( Calon Arang go to Mpu Baradah’s house )
Calon Arang          : Baradah ! If you strong,come out,meet with me !
Mpu Baradah       : Why you come here Calon Arang ?
Calon Arang          : Where is my book ! Give it to me or I will kill you Baradah !
Mpu Baradah       : No ! I will not this book.
Calon Arang          : Okey,I will kill you..

( Calon Arang and Mpu Baradah is struggling )
She decided to kill Mpu Baradah. In the fight against Mpu Baradah, she tried to burn him with the fire from his eyes, mouth and nose, but not even Mpu baradah's clothing was burnt. Without the book, she could not summon goddess Durga to help her, so she was powerless aganst the Hindu priest.
( Mpu Baradah asked her )
Mpu  Baradah                      : Calon Arang I will give you a chance if you want to use your power to goodness !
Calon Arang                          : No Baradah ! It is never happened.
Mpu Baradah                       : Okey,if you want it.

 So, Mpu Baradah killed her with his magical power. This is the end of the life of the black magic widow Calon Arang.

  1. Widya Rahayu Dinata
  2. Windy Oktaviani
  3. Yola Rahmi Putri 
  4. Desi Defika
  5. Bella Novita Sari
  6. Ella Sakinah


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